Power Medicine

Integrative Regenerative & Metabolic Medicine (“IRM Med”) is the most promising and IMPACTFUL frontier for the advancement of superior medicine.

Power MedicineTM is on the leading edge of this evolving and growing field.

Our founders and principal physicians have been successfully treating patients for the last 30 plus years in all aspects of our robust portfolio.

We are far beyond the “Proof of Concept” phase… we are “low hanging fruit” … ready to expand and harvest.

Our Vision is to become the leading provider of Integrative Regenerative & Metabolic Medicine in the US Professional Sports Industry and expand our services to the broader American amateur athletic population and from this rock-solid foundation to engage the general public.

Our Mission is to provide our athlete patients with Superior Athletic Performance “SAP!”, that will amplify and extend their careers.

We are committed to remain on the leading edge in the Integrative Regenerative & Metabolic medical industry with continuous clinical Research & Development.


In contrast to invasive modalities, biochemically (pharma), physically (surgery) or radiologically, the purpose of Regenerative Medicine is to restore the physiological and functional vitality of organ systems by working holistically with the natural mechanisms inherent in the purposeful design of human physiology.

For us this is more than just smart science and good medicine, it is also a spiritual pursuit to develop protocols to manifest three seminal elements:
  • To honor the purpose inherent in the design of our tissues.
  • To invigorate, regenerate and collaborate with (rather than against) the natural processes that produce health, youth, vitality and beauty.
  • To achieve through interpersonal education, an alignment between the mind and heart of our patients, so that each patient is empowered to make for themselves a holistic decision to engage their bodies.
Whether we call the source of all things “Source”, “Spirit”, “Life”, “Nature” or simply “God”, we believe that all things are created with purpose. In nature we see how every life-form can’t help but manifest its purpose, revealing the unfathomable mystery and utter perfection of its essential design.

Proprietary protocols combine the following technologies to achieve superior physiological health, vitality, athletic performance and longevity …

Stem Cell – For damaged and painful joints, best way to regenerate healthy bones, cartilage and ligaments and avoid surgery.

Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation, Ozonation and Filtration (EBOO/F) – For healing debilitating, chronic life-threatening systemic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, MS, Parkinson’s Lupus, etc. and the best promise for living long and strong (longevity & vitality).

Most effective treatment known to improve mitochondrial energy and function. Increase immune function, Increase gland vitality, physical energy, mental energy and clarity. Extremely effective for detox, and to protect against heart attacks and strokes.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) – Infuse and saturate every cell and organ in your body with oxygen. Full body Detox, accelerated healing, increased regeneration, concussion therapy, increased athletic performance. Especially helpful for athletes after high intensity workouts, injury and post-surgery.

Ozone Injection – Ozone is the most effective natural element in stimulating healing and regeneration.
Painful, stiff, inflamed joints / Injured muscles, ligaments & tendons / Post surgeries / combined with special IV vitamin and PRM formulations / Bio-energetic Therapy.

Cryo Therapy – Decrease pain and inflammation, rapidly increase metabolism (500-800 calories in only 3-minute session) and naturally energize the body through endorphin release. Especially helpful for athletes after high intensity workouts … help decrease pain and improve flexibility.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) -TMS stands for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, it is a form of neuromodulation and restores and enhances brain function non-invasively. The goal of TMS is not only to enhance but also balance brain function without the use of addictive medications or treatments. Unhealthy neuronal pathways are broken down while new neuronal pathways are being forged, enabling your own body’s natural physiology to become the best version of itself.

Every brain is different and responds differently to stimulation. Some people are super responders which means they will respond within the first 10 sessions of treatment. On average it takes about 20 sessions to start noticing significant changes. There are also a portion of people who are late responders and can still see results of treatment fully take effect 2-4 weeks after treatment completion.

Photobiomodulation: Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a form of light therapy involving specific light, and a photosensitizing chemical substance that preferentially absorbs that light, that then interacts with molecular oxygen (O2) to generate high-energy oxygenated and toxic molecules, the cause the death of unwanted cells, such as microbial pathogens or malignant cells.

The most popular use of Photodynamic Therapy is treating acne. PDT is also used clinically to treat a wide range of medical conditions, including psoriasis, wet age-related macular degeneration, atherosclerosis, anti-viral treatments, including herpes. It also treats various cancers, including head and neck, lung, bladder, prostate, and particular skin cancers.

Basically, Photodynamic Therapy requires three elements.

  • Specifically engineered light.
  • A photosensitizing compound.
  • The presence of oxygen.
The wavelength of the light source being used must be “matched” to the photosensitizer, which excites the electrons in the photosensitizer, which then transfers those electrons to oxygen which become high-energy, highly reactive, and highly cytotoxic (toxic to cells) “singlet oxygen”, which then produce high-energy free-radicals and/or “reactive oxygen species”.